Spandy Andy is a guy who wears bright spandex and dances to the music of his boombox out in public places. I found him through a Reddit link of this video where he dances around a beach in a speedo.
It went from a few thousand views to over 3 million views in just a few days. Now Spandy is not just a dancer, he is a great motivational person. Check out some of his other videos and vlogs where he talks about his philosophies on life. He loves to have fun and make people happy by performing for them. It's nice to see people like this getting some recognition.
Jenny Bede is a writer/comedian/actor from London who has made several parody music videos on her Youtube channel. They are very good and she wrote and performed them herself. Her top videos have several hundred thousand views, but with her good looks and talent, it won't be long before her views are in the millions. Here is one she did where she does impressions of 5 of the top singers in the UK who were nominated for an award.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Armrest Rant - Why do row seats have shared armrests?
Whenever I sit in a row of seats such
as in an auditorium or a movie theater, I prefer to not sit in the
middle of 2 people. This is because of the lack of armrest issue.
I'm sure you have noticed that there is
usually only 1 armrest in between each seat. This means that only
one person is going to be able to use that armrest. The other
person is going to have to be squished in with their arms crossed or
in their lap.
If you are lucky to have an end seat,
at least you are guaranteed 1 armrest. In situations like this, I
recommend favoring that side and giving up the other armrest to the
person sitting next to you.
The worst is when you have 2 big people
on each side who need that armrest space. Then you are surely going
to be without a rest for the duration of the show.
I'm guessing the reason for only having
one armrest in between is a matter of space, cost, and manufacturing.
It's probably easier and cheaper to make them this way, but at the
expense of the patron's comfort.
I think for now on, all row seats
should be made with 2 armrests each. Sitting bunched up next to
people is uncomfortable enough, the least they can do is give you
some space for your arms. I know if given the choice between going
to a theater with seats that has 2 arm rests and one that has shared
armrests, I would definitely go to the one with 2.
Friday, February 17, 2012
A Lesson Learned About Selfishness
Sometimes you have to learn lessons the
hard way. This is the story of how I learned not to be selfish.
Then one day my grandpa came over and
said that he needed to go shopping to pick out a tv for my cousins who were about my age. Now they lived across the country, so looking back
on the situation now, I should have known something was up, but I was
just a young kid at the time so I believed him.
I must have been about 10 or 11 at the time and the
one thing I really wanted more than anything was my own tv. Before
this, I had to watch tv in my parents room. I begged my parents to
let me get my own for my room, but they always said no.

He asked me to go with him to help pick
out a tv for my cousins. Now he knew how bad I wanted a tv. I
couldn't understand why he would get them a tv and not get one
for me. As disappointed as I was, I agreed to go with him.
So we went to the local Walmart and
went to the electronics section. We examined all the tvs they had.
He asked my opinion on which ones I liked. Then we had it narrowed
down to 2 tvs. He asked me which one I thought they would like more.
At this point my selfishness kicked in. I was still bitter about
the fact that they were getting a tv and I wasn't. There was one
that I clearly liked better, but after thinking about it, I pointed
to the other one and said, "I think they will like that one
I thought, why should they get this
good tv and I don't get anything? My selfishness caused me to pick
them out a tv that I didn't like as much.
So we bought the tv and brought it home
to my house. He originally said he was going to mail the tv to my
cousins, but at the last minute he said, "Well, maybe I will
just leave this tv here." I was confused. Why would he leave
it here? After a minute I slowly began to realize that the tv was
actually for me.
At that moment, I had mixed emotions.
On one hand, I finally got a tv that I wanted so much, but on the
other hand, I had picked out a tv that I didn't like as much as the other. Of
course I said thank you and was excited to have my own tv, but in the
back of my mind, I wished I had picked out the other tv at the store.
I would be stuck with this tv because of my own selfishness.
I learned that
day not to be selfish. In the end, everything turned out ok. The tv
was good and it still works great even today. Still, it is a lesson
I will always remember.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
How to Fix a Turn Signal Without Replacing the Bulb
Everyone has a turn signal go out on
their car once in a while. You probably notice it when your signal
starts flashing really fast when you put it on. You get out and
check it and either the front or back bulb is not flashing. But did
you know that just because it is not working, doesn't mean the bulb
is burnt out? There could just be corrosion around the bulb that is
interfering with the connection.
To check this, take out the bulb from
your car. Refer the owners manual for instructions on how to get the
light out. Once the bulb is out look at the wire filaments inside.
If they are broken, the light is probably burnt out, but if they are
still connected, the bulb is still good.

If you have determined that the wires
inside the bulb are ok, look at the metal connection pieces at the
bottom of the bulb. Often times this area can get corroded or burnt.
If you see and signs of this, try to scrape off the corrosion. You
can use anything that is small such as a screw driver or a nail.
Also check the socket where the bulb plugs into. If there is
corrosion in there, try to get it out with a small screwdriver or
Once it is clean, put the bulb back
into the socket. Turn on the power in the car and test the turn
signal. If it works, you are good to go. If it doesn't work, you
can try cleaning it a little more. If it still doesn't work, you may
need to replace it with a new bulb.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Frozen Meals Review - Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, Marie Callender's, Healthy Choice
I like frozen meals because they are
convenient and quick to prepare. I prefer to eat at home, but I
don't like to spend a lot of time cooking, so for dinner, frozen
meals are a good option. They might not taste as good a something
made fresh, and they usually have a lot of sodium, but if you buy the
right ones, and don't eat them all the time, frozen meals are a
nutritious option for those who don't want to cook or go out.
There is only one meal that I get from
this brand and that is the cheese tortellini. The reason being
because that is pretty much the only non-meat dish they have. Also
they tend to be more expensive than the other brands. I wish they
would come out with more vegetarian dishes because the tortellini is
one of my favorites.
I have tried several brands and
varieties over the years and in this blog, I will share the best ones
I recommend. Note, I am somewhat of a vegetarian so I almost never
get the meals that have meat in them. I usually go for the pasta and
rice dishes. Also, I usually buy moderately price meals, not the
cheap ones, and not the expensive organic ones. Here are some of the
brands and individual meals I recommend.
Lean Cuisine
Lean Cuisine is one of the big names in
frozen foods. They have a ton of options and they are reasonably
priced. I like the pasta and cheese dishes. I also like the Santa
Fe rice and beans. On occasion I get the veggie egg roll and rice.
My favorite is the cheese ravioli that comes with the mixed peppers
but lately that one is kind of hard to find.
Smart Ones
Like Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones have a
lot of choices and they are not too expensive. They have several
different pasta and vegetable dishes that I like. They also have a
rice and bean dish that is good.
Marie Callender's

Healthy Choice
I don't recommend this brand overall
because some of their meals are just not very good. However I can
recommend the cheese pasta dishes and vegetables.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Cascade Dishwashing Detergent Review - Powder and Capsules

Because of this issue, I asked advice
from one of my co-workers. She recommended the individual packets,
Cascade calls them ActionPacs. I went to the store and got the
Cascade Complete ActionPacs. They were considerably more expensive
than the basic powder, but they were on sale and I got the smallest
size just to try them out.

After the dishes were cleaned, for the
next cycle, I thought I would try out the powder. It seemed to work
better this time, but still not as good as the packets. My plan now
is to use both kinds of detergent and alternate between them. If you
are having trouble getting your dishes clean, I recommend trying out
the Cascade ActionPacs.
Monday, February 13, 2012
2012 Grammys Recap Review
I watched the Grammys last night and
tried to be open minded and less judgmental than usual. Instead of
just evaluating every performance and award choice, I made an effort
to just watch and enjoy them.
As someone who takes music seriously
and tends to follow artists who are not well known, the Grammy's and
other popular music award shows usually just bother me because they
seems like more of a popularity contest. Bon Iver said it best when
he mentioned how a lot of great artists that deserve to be nominated
are not there.

You can't really blame them though.
There are only a few spots in each category and thousands of artists
fighting for those positions. Not to mention the fact that people's
interest in music varies so vastly. In the end, it's the ones that
appeal to the greatest number of people who are then nominated and
may go on to win the award.
Overall I enjoyed the show and think
they did a nice job with it. It seemed like there were more
performances than actual awards. I counted about 3 awards in the
first hour and half. What I liked about this show was how they
really had something for everyone. The represented many different
genres of music and eras of music. I think a lot of times the older
generation doesn't get into it because it's just the new hip music
that the kids are listening to, but this year they had several
performers from the older generation.
I could go into individual reviews of
each performance and award choice, and believe me, I have opinions,
but I think I stay away from that angle and just focus on the big
picture. At the 2012 Grammys music was celebrated and there were no
major mishaps or controversies. Artists were grateful and I think
most people went home happy. It's not really about who wins or loses
rather it's a show that features what was most notable in the past
year of music.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Never Been So Reassured in My Life
At times I question the way I live and
wonder if it is right. I compare it to the way other people live and
see that it is different. It makes me wonder if I am doing the wrong
My typical Friday and Saturday nights
are spent home alone on the computer and then watching some tv before
bed which is usually around 10pm. I realize that a lot of people my
age are out at parties or bars with their friends on these nights and
they stay out late into the morning hours.
Yesterday, I went out with group of
people my age to celebrate my sister's birthday. We went to a bar
where they had a stand up comedy night. Then we went to a
restaurant/bar after that. Both of these were down town in the busy
city away from the suburbs that I am used to. We stayed out til
about 12pm. At that point our smaller group decided to go home while
the other part stayed out to go to yet another bar.
While I had a good time, in fact I
seemed to be enjoying the evening more than most of the other people
in the group, I still, given the choice would prefer to stay home by
myself and just watch Youtube videos, or listen to radio shows and
Going out for me is a big deal. It
involves a lot of uncertainty, compromised security, and a general
feeling of being uncomfortable. I don't like being in unfamiliar
situations surrounded by a lot of people I don't know, eating foods
that I don't know if I will like, listening to music chosen by other
people. That is my personality type. I realize that some people do
like all of these things, and for them, going out every weekend and
doing these things is what they want to do.
Tying back my title, after having gone
out last night, I am very reassured that the way I am living and
spending my time is right for me. Just because a lot of people want
to go out and party on the weekends, doesn’t mean that what you are
supposed to do. I am happy living the way I want to.
You can apply this to your life and
your situation. Do what makes you happy even if it goes against the
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Writing Exercise - Vocabulary A-Z Creative Short Story
Sometimes at work I get bored and have
some extra time on my hands. Having a computer and word processor at
my disposal, I started coming up with activities that would develop
my vocabulary and writing skills. Over time I developed a fun
writing exercise that fills up time and helps you with creative
You start by coming up with a list of
words, A-Z, for example: alligator, balloon, capital... Then once
you have your list, come up with an original sentence using each
word. Try to make them interesting and lengthy. You will end up
with 26 original sentences. This is a good start, but if you want to
do the full exercise, you must relate all the sentences together so
they actually make a story. At the end you will have an original
short story using words that start with every letter of the alphabet.
Here is an example that I did. Note,
it is missing a couple letters. After you have done a lot of these
you start to realize that it's hard to keep coming up with new words
for some letters like x and z. J, k, and q are challenging too after
a while. Try to come up with a theme before you start writing your
sentences so you have a little direction, but decide on the theme
after you pick random words.
Words: Accent, border, carriage,
deliver, estimate, fragile, gallop, horizon, indifferent, jam,
knowledge, lentil, mysterious, notorious, origin, proprietary,
quiver, ridiculous, stationary, tractor, unfortunate, valuable,
Theme: driving in a foreign country.
Coming from the US, he had always loved
the accent of the native speakers of the UK.
As he crossed the border from England
to Scotland, he had to be careful to drive on the correct side of the
If he became careless, he might run
into a carriage, another vehicle, or a pedestrian.
He had to deliver a package to a client
before the end of the day.
His estimate was that it would take
about an hour to get to his destination.
The contents of the package were
fragile, so he had to be extra careful when moving it.
Along side the road he saw a horse
gallop through an open field.
It looked so graceful against the
sunrise in the horizon.
The horse appeared indifferent in
relation to its surroundings.
Just then he came up to a traffic jam!
All the knowledge in the world wouldn't
get him out of this one.
The truck in front of him belonged to a
soup company and had pictures of minestrone, chicken noodle, and
lentil soup.
A mysterious looking fellow wearing
sunglasses and a cap was behind him in a Volkswagen sedan.
This road he had heard was notorious
for it's congested traffic patterns.
The origin of the jam was unknown to
him because he couldn't see around the soup truck.
He hoped the proprietary owner of the
package would not be upset if the delivery was late.
The thought of having to explain why
the package was late made him quiver.
Then again, he had until the end of the
day to get there so his thought was actually ridiculous.
After having remained stationary for
about 3 minutes, the cars finally began to move.
Still, it was slow and a big tractor in
the field on the left was moving faster than he was.
He was hungry, but it was unfortunate
he could not open the package.
What was inside was valuable and could
not be opened or disturbed until it arrived at its destination.
What was inside was none other than
fresh gourmet Belgian waffles!
The End
And there you have it! Give it a try. You can even post your story below in the comments section. Good luck!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Is ABC's The River the next LOST?
I watched the 2 hour premier of The River last night. I had seen previews for it before and it looked pretty good. It's about this group of people who go into unknown amazon wilderness searching for this famous travel guy who disappeared. Before long they find something very deadly and frightening. They also begin to notice supernatural phenomenons occurring around them.
The show reminds me very much of LOST which was one of my favorite shows. You have the unknown location and the weird things happening, which describe both of these shows. This one is a little bit different because it is playing up more of the scare factor. Personally I don't like horror type shows so I don't care for that part of it.
There is already enough mystery and suspense to keep me wanting to know what is going to happen and what is really going on. I hear they have 8 episodes total which is pretty short. Maybe they will extend it if people like it. I will tune in next week and see how the series progresses. I hope it is as good as LOST, but that is a hard act to follow.
UPDATE 3-4-12
So it's about 5 episodes into the season and I'm still watching it, but barely. The show is just ok, but it has enough mystery to keep me watching it to figure out what happens. From what I hear, the ratings are not too good and it will probably be canceled after the first season.
The show reminds me very much of LOST which was one of my favorite shows. You have the unknown location and the weird things happening, which describe both of these shows. This one is a little bit different because it is playing up more of the scare factor. Personally I don't like horror type shows so I don't care for that part of it.
There is already enough mystery and suspense to keep me wanting to know what is going to happen and what is really going on. I hear they have 8 episodes total which is pretty short. Maybe they will extend it if people like it. I will tune in next week and see how the series progresses. I hope it is as good as LOST, but that is a hard act to follow.
UPDATE 3-4-12
So it's about 5 episodes into the season and I'm still watching it, but barely. The show is just ok, but it has enough mystery to keep me watching it to figure out what happens. From what I hear, the ratings are not too good and it will probably be canceled after the first season.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
New Music - Parov Stelar, Soko, Meghan Tonjes
Here are a few new songs I recommend:
Parov Stelar - Booty Swing
If you have seen that commercial for the Cosmopolitan hotel in Las Vegas, you will probably recognize this song. It has a classic swing sound with the vocals mixed with a modern beat. I had never heard of Parov Stelar prior to this song. He is a producer and dj from Austria and he has been making songs for a little over 10 years. He has other songs similar to this, but Booty Swing is my favorite.
Soko - First Love Never Die
I first heard of Soko a few years back from her song I'll Kill Her. She has been away from the music scene for a while, but she is finally back and is about to release her first full length album. This song First Love Never Die is the first single off the album. It is very nice and emotional. Her distinctive vocal style is still their. I like the tempo changes of the song which keep you on your toes. Glad to see her back making music.
Meghan Tonjes - Caitlin Take Your Shirt Off
Meghan Tonjes just uploaded this video of her where she makes this improv song trying to convince her friend Caitlin to take off her shirt. It turned out amazing and funny. The melodies are great. I really hope she records a studio version with some revised lyrics and structure. It would be a hit for sure.
If you like any of these songs, leave a comment below!
Parov Stelar - Booty Swing
If you have seen that commercial for the Cosmopolitan hotel in Las Vegas, you will probably recognize this song. It has a classic swing sound with the vocals mixed with a modern beat. I had never heard of Parov Stelar prior to this song. He is a producer and dj from Austria and he has been making songs for a little over 10 years. He has other songs similar to this, but Booty Swing is my favorite.
Soko - First Love Never Die
I first heard of Soko a few years back from her song I'll Kill Her. She has been away from the music scene for a while, but she is finally back and is about to release her first full length album. This song First Love Never Die is the first single off the album. It is very nice and emotional. Her distinctive vocal style is still their. I like the tempo changes of the song which keep you on your toes. Glad to see her back making music.
Meghan Tonjes - Caitlin Take Your Shirt Off
Meghan Tonjes just uploaded this video of her where she makes this improv song trying to convince her friend Caitlin to take off her shirt. It turned out amazing and funny. The melodies are great. I really hope she records a studio version with some revised lyrics and structure. It would be a hit for sure.
If you like any of these songs, leave a comment below!
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