"I Wanna Marry Harry" is a new reality show similar to the show "Joe Millionaire" that aired years ago. Basically, it is like the show "The Bachelor" but instead of a random guy, it is a guy that looks and sounds very much like Prince Harry. In this show, his true identity is kept a mystery as the girls try to figure out who he is.
Despite the silly title of the show, so far it has been very entertaining! The casting was well selected and the contestants are fun to watch. Of course there is a lot of drama between the ladies as they get jealous when "Harry" goes on the dates with the other girls.
So far, he has not said who he is, but has been making the effort to pretend like he is the real prince Harry. The production crew has done a good job of adding fake security and photo shopped pictures to enhance the illusion that he is someone important.
Overall he is a likable guy and there are already a few girls to root for and root against. As it is a few weeks into the show, already there are some strong feelings developing between "Harry" and the girls. It will be very interesting to see what happens has the group is narrowed down and ultimately his true identity is revealed.
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