Personally I do not own any guns nor do
I have any intention to purchase a gun. I know there are a lot of
people who are in support of having guns and many who are against it.
Maybe it is the environment I live in which is suburban but in my
opinion, guns are way too dangerous for people to be owning and
carrying around and most of the time lead to unnecessary violence and
One argument those in support of guns
might make, is that it is our right as Americans to bear arms. This
policy was put into place about 225 years ago when the United States
was a very different place. Things have changed tremendously since
then. Our population alone has grown dramatically from about
4,000,000 at that time to over 323,000,000 in 2016. We are now a
modernized civilized society and there is no reason for everyday
people to be owning or using guns in these times.
Another argument is that people should
have guns for self defense. It is a good argument but according to
the statistics of last year, only about 3% of gun related injuries
and deaths were because of self defense. This is a very small
percentage and not enough to support this reasoning.
My first proposed solution was that all
guns be recalled by the government and that citizens be offered a
fair market value for their guns. The problem I found with this is
that there are too many guns out there (estimated over 300,000,000)
so it would be much too expensive to reimburse something like this.
Maybe something like a tax credit could be offered instead of a
reimbursement, but it would still cost the US a lot of money to do
I think the solution has to be more of
a social change within the citizens of the country to make the effort
to either get rid of their guns or use them more responsibly. There
is not much that can be done about the guns that are already out
there, but changes can be made to restrict the future purchases of
guns so they do not end up in the wrong hands. This as well as
education on gun safety may be the way to start making a change on
this issue.