About 10 years ago, I was getting tired
of going out to get my hair cut every 4-5 weeks so I looked into the
possibility of cutting my own hair. I noticed, in store, they sell
electric clippers like the ones the hair stylists use and they are
not too expensive at all. I ended up getting the Wahl Styler Haircutting Kit for about $25.
At first, I tried doing it myself and
got a little help from my dad, but the results were not that great.
Luckily, I learned how to use it better and within a couple more
haircuts, it was looking as good as anything I was getting from the
actual hair cutting place.
I would say it has been one of the best
investments I have made in terms of saving not only money, but time
and convenience as well. The only downside is it can be messy because
you have to clean up the hair afterward, but even this becomes easier
after a while. (A tip I use is putting a large garbage bag on the
ground to catch most of the hair. Then fold it up and rub the bag
around the floor as it will pick up any loose hairs with static
But back to the original purpose of
this article. Even though my original Wahl clipper was still going
strong after 10 years, I decided it would be a good idea to get a new
one and keep the old one as a back up. I knew I wanted to stick with
Wahl because based on experience, they are very durable. So I did a
little research and decided to get the
Wahl Color Pro. It was only
$20 and had very good reviews.
I figured it would be similar to the
Styler clipper so I decided to try it out.
Contents and Case
It comes with many
different length guards starting at 1/16 inch up to 1 inch. It also
has combs, scissors, cleaning brush, and oil. All these items are
packed tightly into a carrying case. The problem with this is once
you unpack it, good luck getting everything back in. With the limited
space, I just use the case for all the guards and accessories and
keep the clipper out on its own.
Clipper Feel and Details
The shape of the clipper is flared out
towards the top and gets more tapered towards the bottom. I don't
love the shape, but overall it is functional. I do like the on/off
switch which is easier to flip compared to my old clipper which stuck
out more and was hard to flip. I noticed the tapper lever was very
hard to adjust on this new clipper, but I fixed it by loosening the
screw on the side and now it slides much easier.
I like that this one has a guard that
goes all the way down to 1/16 of an inch as with many others they
start at 1/8 inch. The guards themselves are ok, but feel a little
cheap. Also I would prefer just the regular black color rather than
different colors for each clip.
One thing I noticed was the clipper oil
does not have a sealing cap like the old clipper oil had. This one
does have a screw on top, but I would be worried about the oil
getting out if it is tipped over. As long as it stays upright and has
the cap on, it should be ok though.
As far as performance goes, it is
great! It runs smooth and is not too noisy. It cuts the hair very
easily and does not get caught. So far I have not had any issues with
it getting too hot. It is plug in which on one hand is good because
it is always powered and you don't have to worry about charging it.
On the other hand, the cord can be annoying sometimes but given the
choice, I would stay with the corded style vs cordless.
Overall if you are looking for a
reasonably priced haircut kit from a reliable company, I recommend
the Wahl Color Pro. They do have
upgraded models also if you don't
mind spending more money for even higher quality clipper and
accessories. For anyone who is tired of going to the haircut place or
is just looking for an easy way to save money, cutting your own hair
with a set of clippers like this is a great solution!
Update 3-1-21:
It has been a few years and the clipper is still working well. I did have one issue though, one of the plastic clip-on guards broke so it was no longer able to clip on. This was a problem since it was one that I use a lot. I contacted Wahl to see if it might be covered by warranty. Surprisingly they said they would cover it and send me a replacement. It did take many weeks to arrive, but I am thankful they were able to send the replacement. I am pleased with their customer service and their support of their products.