Suppose you woke up one day and
realized you were the only person around. All other people and
animals had vanished, but other than that, everything else was the
same. What would you do?
This is fun question to think about,
and there really is a lot to think about if you put yourself in this
situation. For this scenario, one direction to take it is that of
survival. This would involve making sure you had food and basic
necessities to survive for many years.
To make the scenario more fun, lets
assume everything keeps running as usual even after everyone has
disappeared. This means all utilities such as electricity, water, and
internet still work. We will even say that resources like food will
be automatically replenished so you do not have to worry about food
So basically everything would be the
same but there would be no people or living things. Although there
would still be things like the internet, it would not be populated by
new content since there would be no people to create it.
If you found yourself in this
situation, what would you do?
Where would you live?
Where would you go?
What would you do for fun?
What things would you try to find?
What would you like about this new
What new challenges would you face?
I recommend try thinking about what you
would do before reading what others would do. Below is what I came up
with if I found myself in the situation of being the last person on
At first, I would probably start out
very cautious and not do too much out of the ordinary. I would
probably explore a bit locally until I got to the realization that
there were no other people around and this would be the new reality.
Then I would probably go to the grocery
store to pick up a bunch of food. I think it would be fun to have the
store all to yourself and be able to get anything without having to
worry about the cost.
I would probably go to some of the
local stores and pick up any supplies that might be needed such as
tools or extra clothes. I might also go to a toy store or sporting
goods store to try to find some activities for fun.
Next, I would probably start venturing
out and head over to a car dealership to pick up a nice car. I would
probably get one sporty car for fun, and also a van or SUV to use for
transporting things.
For safety, I would probably find some
weapons as well because you would have to ensure your own protection
now that there are no other people to protect you. There would be no
threat of other people, but you would have to be prepared for
anything just in case.
After having explored everything
locally, I would start to venture out to other cities and start
traveling around the country. For living situations, I would find
homes or hotels at each location to stay at.
I might pick up a large RV camper to
make traveling more comfortable and convenient. I would check out
notable destinations like big cities, landmarks, and national parks.
I think the traveling would help give a sense of purpose and would
help prevent boredom.
One of the biggest challenges other
than having to deal with loneliness would be safety. Since there
would be no one to take care of you, you would have to be very
careful not to get hurt. You can't call 911 if there is an emergency
because there would be no one to respond.
Also you would have to be careful not
to get stranded in the middle of nowhere. For example, if you were
traveling long distance, you would have to make sure to have plenty
of fuel as well as things like food and water in case anything were
to happen.
After years, if I had explored
everything within the country, I might consider trying to get to
other countries. The challenge would be, it would probably involve
travel by airplane or boat. These are skills that would need to be
learned and even once learned would still involve some level or risk.
While I think being the only person on
Earth would be fun at first, I have a feeling it would get boring or
lonely sooner than expected. This might lead to a desperate attempt
to find if there were any other people out there.
If years of searching did not find
anyone, I would probably just continue trying to find new things to
do and find ways to keep myself busy. It's hard to imagine a long
term plan in this setting. I think it would involve just trying to
stay healthy and keep searching to find any signs of life.
What would you do if you were the last
person on Earth?