I have never really been the kind of
guy who attracts a lot of girls, but over the years, there have been
a few times where girls did ask me out on a date. Since they were
rare occurrences and I still remember them, I thought I would write
about what happened in these cases.
One day back when I was in 6th
grade, a girl in my class approached me and asked if I wanted to go
out with her. I was surprised by the question as “going out” with
someone was definitely something new to me and not really something I
was ready for. Looking back on it as an adult, I was just a young kid
at that time but I guess that is around the age when people start to
develop those kinds of feelings.
When she asked, I felt kind of awkward
and just said something like “I don't know.” or “I don't know
if my parents will let me.” This was true and I wasn't even sure I
was ready to jump into something like that at the time. Plus I did
not really have any particular interest in this girl. I think she
might have inquired about it once more but I just kind of brushed it
off so nothing became of the situation.
Some years later when I was in high
school I got an unexpected call from another girl I went to school
with. She asked me if I told one of her friends to ask her out. I was
really confused by what she said because I had no idea what she was
talking about. I thought she thought I told one of her friends to ask
her out on a date. I told her no, and she was like “Oh... Ok bye.”
Then like a minute later she calls
back. This time she asks me directly if I want to go out with her.
Unfortunately I was not interested in this girl either so hesitantly
I said “Not really.” Again she was like “Ok. Bye.” I was
still a bit confused by the whole situation. After thinking about it,
I determined what had happened.
Most likely, her friend for whatever
reason told her that I wanted to go out with her. I'm not sure why
she would do that. I didn't even really know her friend. I think
maybe she just thought she could be a matchmaker and set something
like this up.
Looking back, I do feel kind of bad
about it. This girl probably thought I was interested in her and she
was going to get to go out with me only for me to reject her. It was
not my fault though since the friend had lied to her. I hope she did
not get too upset about it.
A couple years later we did end up in a
class together and even had to do a small group project together.
Needless to say, it was a bit awkward. Neither of us said anything
about it. We managed to do the group project and everything turned
out ok.
Those were the main times I was asked
out in real life, but I have also been asked out via online dating
websites. One in particular, a girl was kind of persistent with
messaging me even after I told her I was not really interested. It's
a shame that it seems whenever something like this happens, it is
with someone I'm not interested in.
That is one of the things that makes
finding someone to be in a relationship so difficult. You may find
someone who you think is just perfect and matches with you in every
way, but the problem is, they have to feel the same way in return and
this rarely happens, at least in my experience.
I have not asked out many girls myself
as I am pretty reserved and shy in real life. I have sent out
messages on the dating sites expressing interest in girls I like but
rarely do I get a response and in the few cases I do, they usually
say they are not interested. It seems to be the running theme when it
comes to trying to find someone to date.
Because of this, I find it hard to
believe how so many people are actually in relationships and how so
many people actually find people to date that are compatible. In my
experience it is very rare to find someone who you like who also
happens to like you in return. Maybe it is easier for some people
than others. It could also be that a lot of people get into
relationships with people who are actually not that compatible.
This looks to be true based on the
number of people who break up, get divorced, or remain stuck in bad
relationships. I think sometimes this happens and people just try to
stick with it even if they are not happy for whatever reason. Maybe
they have kids so they do not want to break up the family. Maybe they
think their current relationship is their best chance and they will
not be able to meet anyone else.
As a single person who is getting
older, I am still picky about who I would consider getting into a
relationship with. I'm not going to just go out with people for the
sake of going out unless I feel there is a a strong level of
compatibility and the potential for a good relationship. Up until
this point I have not had much success, but I continue to keep the
door open to potential relationships. It can be difficult but you
never know when the right person might show up!