Stores that fill in the space of
“out of stock” items with other items that do not belong there.
You will be looking for a certain
product in the section where it is supposed to be but you cannot find
it. All the shelf space is filled in so it must be there right? After
not seeing it, you looking carefully at all the tags on the shelves.
You find the right tag, look up and see some other product or variety
that is not supposed to be there.
I'm pretty sure stores do this
purposely when something is out of stock because they don't want it
to look like something is out of stock. Instead of leaving it empty
they will fill it in with more of the product next to it. As a
shopper, I don't mind if a shelf is empty because something is out of
stock, it happens. What I do mind is when I waste my time looking for
something because the shelf space where it is supposed to be is
filled in with something else.
Carts that are in poor condition.
Having a bad
shopping cart can really ruin the shopping experience. Some stores
are a lot better than others when it comes to shopping carts. The
best carts are the plastic kind because they are light, tend to roll
smoothly, and are easy to maneuver. The worst are old metal carts
that are shaky, have wobbly wheels, don't roll straight, and are just
in bad condition overall.
Sometimes I will
try out 3 or 4 carts upon entering the store just to try to find one
that isn't terrible. There have been times where I have been doing my
own shopping and have actually cut my shopping trip short because I
could not put up with pushing a noisy cart around the store anymore.
Repetitive music playlist.
This might not
bother other people as much, but for me, I really get tired of
hearing the same songs played in the store every time I go in there.
For the occasional shopper, they will not notice this, but for
someone who is in the store several times a day, it is very
noticeable. I pretty much have every song they play memorized at this
point. I can't imagine how the employees who are in there all day put
up with it. Honestly is is one of the main reasons why I would not
want to work in a grocery store or any place that has a repetitive
music playlist.
Garbage left in the carts.
Almost every time
I enter a store and go to the carts, I will find at least one that
has garbage left in it from a previous shopper. It might be a sample
cup or wrapper, a store advertisement, a shopping list, a plastic
bag, a coffee cup etc.
Litter is one of
my biggest pet peeves in life and litter in shopping carts is no
different. One of my hobbies is cleaning up litter outside and this
continues to store parking lots as well as in store such as in the
shopping carts. This means when I go to get a cart, I specifically
look for the one that has the garbage in it. I take that cart, remove
the garbage and place it in the nearest garbage can. If the customers
and the store employees won't do it, somebody's gotta do it.
People who hold up the checkout
Everyone would
like to be able to checkout quickly but that does not always happen
does it? You go to the shortest line thinking it is going to be fast
but then something unexpected happens. Maybe someone is trying to use
a coupon on a product that it does not qualify for. Maybe they need a
price check on something. Maybe there is alcohol and they have to
wait until someone who is over 21 comes over to approve it. Maybe
they are try to pay with a check. All these things end up holding up
the line and make the checkout process long than it has to be.
Poor bagging at checkout.
Bagging is a pretty simple job but
there is a lot more to it than just putting items in a bag and
placing them in the cart. Baggers are supposed to be trained on the
proper way to bag items, but apparently some of them did not pay
attention to the training, or they just don't care.
I will place my items on the belt in a
specific order to help ensure they are bagged properly. Ex: cold
items together so they end up in the same bags, heavy items together,
boxy items together, produce together, and light/fragile items last
so they end up on top and don't get squished.
Despite this organization there will be
times when I get to the car and realize everything has to be
re-bagged. There will be cold items with non-cold items, fragile
stuff in the same bags with heavy stuff, raw meats in the same bags
as ready to eat food etc. Once I realize someone does not know how to
bag, I will avoid going to their line if at all possible on future
shopping trips.
I could go on and on with more pet
peeves about grocery shopping but overall it is actually not that
bad. For the most part I enjoy grocery shopping and as a job it can
actually be fun.
What are some of your pet peeves when
it comes to grocery shopping? Feel free to comment below.