Monday, December 14, 2020
Folding Stop Signs are a waste of money and are more trouble than they are worth
The problem is, most of the time these signs get opened up unintentionally by the wind. In fact, in all my years of driving, I have never actually seen these being put to use properly, but I see them opened up all the time when they are not supposed to be open. They are supposed to be secured closed by a tie or a lock, but often these are missing so the signs end up opening up on their own.
When a stop light goes out, it usually switches to the flashing red mode which means it is to be treated as a 4 way stop. So when drivers see this, they know they have to stop. They don't need stop signs to be opened up as well.
So I find these signs to be pretty much pointless and not only that, they are expensive! Upon looking them up an average folding stop sign sells for about $200! That's $800 per intersection! Think about how much money is being spent on these signs when they are at every busy intersection. It seems like an incredible waste of taxpayer money.
I have a feeling the sign companies are taking advantage of the situation marketing these products to villages and public works as a way to make things safer when really they are unnecessary and actually more problematic than they are helpful. If you are considering adding these kinds of signs to your town, please consider if they are actually worth it.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Best Youtube Channels of 2020
It's that time to announce the best Youtube channels of 2020. Like last year, the best Youtube channels list will focus on channels that have not yet been featured in previous years. This year the list has a nice mix of channels from Youtuber's that really stood out this year. So without further ado, here are Connected Isolation's picks for the best Youtube channels of 2020:
1. Esther Club (podcast / variety)
Esther Povitsky is a stand up comedian, actress, and most recently tie dye clothing designer. Esther Club is her channel where she posts podcast style videos each week. At this time it has a relatively small but loyal fan base. She talks about whatever is on her mind and sometimes has guests join her on the show. Esther has a likable personality and makes you feel like you are part of the club. Here is a recent episode where she had comedian Annie Lederman on the show.
2. ReuBekah Vidz (pranks)
Reuben and Bekah are a couple who play pranks on each other post it on Youtube for our enjoyment. They have a good relationship but that does not stop them from pranking each other whenever they get the chance. In this video she gives him swim trunks that dissolve at the seams when they get wet and well you can imagine what happens when he unknowingly ventures into the water on a public beach.
3. Melissa VillaseƱor (podcast / variety)
Melissa VillaseƱor is a comedian and impressionist and is also on Saturday Night Live. She currently has a channel where she does a podcast style show called Laughing With Myself. Each show has a mix of comedy, impressions, and talk about whatever is on her mind. I actually did feature this channel a few years back but I decided to make an exception and feature it again this year because the content is different with the show.
4. Jim Browning (scammer justice)
Jim Browning is on a mission to stop scammers from taking advantage of people. He uses his computer skills to track down individuals trying to steal money from people online and over the phone. He is very good with computers so often he is able to see exactly what they are doing in real time and then warn the victim that they have been talking to a scammer so they do not give them any money. In this video he actually manages to get access to the security cameras of the building where some of the scammers are working.
5. Reponut (vehicle repossession / life)
Matt from the Reponut channel works in the line of vehicle repossession where he tracks down cars of owners who are not making their payments. The channel has a lot of information on this topic but he also gives a lot of helpful advice on life in general in each of his videos. In this video he tracks down a couple cars and also talks about life after prison.
6. Curious Cars (car reviews)
Bill from the Curious Cars channel (previously Auto Europa Naples) reviews cars, but his style is a lot different from most car reviewers out there. As he puts it, you get tangents, history, sarcasm, non sequiturs, outrage, and even the weather report. It's always great to hear what he has to say about not only the cars but whatever else is going on at the moment. In this video, he reviews the Hummer H1.
7. Miranda Sings (funny)
Miranda Sings is a character and channel created by Colleen Ballinger. Miranda sees herself as incredibly talented in singing, acting, dancing, magic, modeling etc, but in fact she is not as talented as she thinks which makes it funny. Her channel is very popular and doesn't need the extra promotion but I have not featured it here yet and I have to give credit where credit is due. I love the character and her videos are very funny. She even has a Netflix series and a couple books based on Miranda. Here is one of her videos where she switches lives with her baby Pinto Bean for 24 hours.
Check out the best Youtube channels from previous years here: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016.
Also check out the Best Youtube Channels of 2021.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
One Mississippi Show Review - Tig Notaro's show based on her real life
Recently I was checking out some of the offerings available on Amazon Prime video and I noticed Tig Notaro had a show called One Mississippi. Tig has been one of my favorite comedians for some time now so of course I had to check it out. I didn't know much about the series going in, I just kind of jumped right in to it.
The show is based on Tig's real life and it goes over some of the topics which she has had to deal with in recent times such as sickness, cancer, and the sudden loss of her mother. It may sound kind of depressing but it is not. There is some humor throughout but I would not consider it a comedy necessarily.
The first season is 6 episodes that are about 25 minutes each so it goes very fast. I really enjoyed the first season. Tig is very much herself which makes the acting easy, but even playing the role as herself, I found her acting to be very impressive.
We also meet Tig's step father Bill who is probably my favorite character. He has that personality where everything in his life has to be very particular and controlled the way he wants it. I found his character to be very relatable. His acting is so good, I had to keep asking myself, “Wait, is he an actor or is this real?”
Other characters we meet along the way include her brother Remy as well as some of the relationship interests of the characters.
The second season is also 6 episodes and picks up where the first season left off. I enjoyed the second season as well but I think the first season was better. The first season just seemed so real and authentic while the second season seemed more like it was written like how most shows are.
Overall I would highly recommend checking out One Mississippi. If you are a fan or Tig's, you are sure to enjoy it and even if you are not familiar with her, I think you will enjoy the show.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Windows 10 2004 Booting Slow From Hibernate
Recently my computer updated Windows 10 to version 2004. The computer was running fine before the update, but after the new version was installed, I noticed it would take a very long time to boot up from Hibernate. Before, it would boot up in about 10 seconds but in version 2004 it takes over a minute. Also programs seem to respond slowly after booting up.
I made sure everything was up to date and did the usual restarts, but it still remained slow. I restored it back to version 1909 and that fixed it. I would have been fine staying with version 1909 but of course Windows keeps trying to get you to do the update. It puts the update icon in the task bar and in the Power menu.
I looked into ways to disable the updates but it seems there is no easy way to do this. They let you delay the update for about a month but then they want you to do the update.
I find it to be pretty annoying that an update like this breaks a simple function such as Hibernate. If they are going to force people to do an update, the update should make the computer better not worse. I'm tired of software companies doing updates to programs and apps that work fine only to end up making them worse. This happens all the time. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
So as of right now I pretty much can't use Hibernate anymore. The Sleep option is working fine and booting up from Shut Down seems to be about the same as before so I guess I will be sticking to these options until the next Windows update.
Has anyone else noticed this issue with Windows 10 version 2004?
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Zep Acidic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Review
I also had noticed the toilet began getting clogged very easily. I had a feeling the deposits building up around the bottom were starting to narrow the pathway and were causing the clogs to happen more frequently.
After doing some research I decided to try out Zep Acidic Toilet Bowl Cleaner. I picked it up at a hardware store for about $5.
Upon trying it out, it is pretty easy to use. You squeeze and twist the cap which opens it and then you just squirt it around the toilet. I expected the smell to be strong but it was actually not bad at all and has a clean fresh scent. I let it sit and swished it around with the toilet brush. They say you only have to leave it for 5 minutes but I let it sit for longer hoping it would work better.
After flushing it, I did not see much difference. I tried a few more times, again letting it sit longer for several hours and it slowly started to break down the deposits and clean the residue that was stuck around the rim.
It seemed to work best if I pushed most of water out and then put in the cleaner so it was more concentrated. Using the brush to swish it around and help scrape around the sides also seemed to work pretty well.
After doing several treatments over a few weeks and using about 2/3rds of the bottle, I would say that the results are not perfect but much better than before. It was able to clean around the sides and under the rim pretty good with a little residue still there. The bottom which was the most stubborn is also much better with the only deposits left are way back where the brush cannot reach.
Also I have not had any more issues with it getting clogged since using this product so it must have cleaned it well enough to break down whatever was preventing it from flushing properly.
Overall I would say the product worked pretty good and was worth the money. I will include the before and after pictures here to show the results. If you have been having issues like this with your toilet, I would recommend trying out the Zep cleaner.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Light Bulb Warranties and Other Warranties that are Useless
I figured the bulbs should last at least 5 years and if they didn't then I would be able to get a replacement. So I kept the receipt just in case. Sure enough, 3 years in and one of the bulbs is not working. I pull out the box that I had been saving and review the warranty information.
It says if the bulb does not last 5 years you can get a replacement bulb by sending them the proof of purchase and shipping them the light bulb. Here is the problem, the bulb itself is only worth about $1 and shipping a light bulb across the country is going to cost more than $1 so if you wanted to claim the warranty, you would actually end up losing money.
Because of this, the warranty is essentially meaningless. They say they will replace the bulb but if it is going to cost the consumer more money in the process than the bulb is actually worth, no one will actually claim the warranty. I think this is poor practice on the part of the company. If they are going to offer a warranty like this, it should not cost the consumer money to claim it.
I had a new box of LED light bulbs from another brand and they have the same kind of warranty where you have to ship them the bulb in order to get a replacement. This returning defective items by mail may work on high value items, but for low value items like light bulbs, it simply does not work.
I would not be surprised if there are other warranties out there like this where the cost to process them is more than the item is worth. Have you found any other items with warranties like this?
Update 11-17-20:
I ended up contacting the manufacturer by email and was able to submit a claim without sending in the bulb. About a week later I got a letter back that included a coupon for a replacement! I am pleased they were able to honor the warranty without having to mail the bulb back.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Why when bad things happen it can actually be a good thing
When it comes to good and bad, they both exist in relation to the other. We know when things are good because we have the knowledge of when things have not been so good. Same goes for bad, we understand when things are bad because we know how they are when they are good. This is an important concept to keep in mind when something in life is bothering us.
Take the first example and imagine a life where everything is perfect and no bad things happen. It seems like it would be great, but in actuality, if everything was good at all times, then it wouldn't be good, it would be average. Because people would be used to everything being good, it would become normal and they would take it for granted, so to them life would just seem regular and not necessarily good.
To expand on this example, consider the weather. If it was a calm 72 degrees and sunny every day, that sounds pretty good to us because we have the understanding that the weather is not always like that. Some days it is cold, cloudy, raining, and windy. So when the weather gets better and it is comfortable and sunny, we appreciate it. If the weather was like that every day, we wouldn't appreciate it because we would get used to it and end up taking it for granted.
In another example, say there is a person who lives in a very beautiful part of the world. They have lived there all their life so they are used to it and it is just what they experience every day. Because of this, they may not consider it to be anything special. Then someone comes to visit from a far away country where the environment is not nearly as beautiful. When they get to the destination they are amazed at how wonderful it looks and they express this feeling to the person who lives there. The local resident is confused why this person seems to think it is so amazing, because to them, this is what they see every day. The perspective makes all the difference.
Another common story to illustrate this concept is when someone experiences a near death situation like a car accident. Before the incident happened, they may have been in a rut, maybe not very motivated, maybe not that happy with their life, just kind of living the same routine every day. Then an accident happens where they almost lose their life, but luckily they survive. After recovery, they have a renewed perspective on life. They realize tomorrow is not guaranteed so you have to make the most of each day. They become more motivated and and excited to live life to the fullest. Sure an accident is terrible and no one wants to experience something like that, but when it does happen, it puts things into perspective and can actually have a positive effect in the long run.
When something bad happens, instead of just feeling down about it, use it as a learning experience. Think about what happened and what you have now learned from it so that you can prevent something like that from happening again. Realize that these things serve as a reset on our perspective so that we can fully appreciate when things are going good.
It can be hard to keep this perspective in mind especially in the moment, but if you can remember this concept, it can really help you deal with life when things are not going your way. Instead of feeling annoyed, angry, or upset, when something happens, use the opportunity to remember that this is a part of life and without bad, there is no good.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
People That Hit Their Car Doors into Other People's Cars
Now I am not a confrontational person and it didn't seem like the hit was too bad so I basically ignored it even though I was annoyed by it. The guy goes into the store and comes back 5 minutes later while I am still there. I'm thinking he better be extra careful this time right? He then proceeds to open his door and hits my car door again!
I really should have said something at that point but in the moment, I did not want to start a confrontation. He leaves and I go out and check the car door. I didn't noticed any significant damage which was a relief. I have an older car and while I keep it in good condition, the paint does have a fair amount of minor nicks here and there so even if it got one more, it would not be a big deal, but still it does not excuse this guys actions.
You might think someone with a junky car who doesn't care about anyone else might be the kind of person to do something like this, but he had a nice car! Were talking a new Lexus SUV that was in good condition, and he is just hitting his car door into other people's cars like that!
I'm not sure what to make of it. Maybe the guy didn't care, maybe he is just inconsiderate. The thing is, if something like this happens once, it it an accident. I get it, accidents happen. But twice in a row? That is unacceptable.
If I accidentally opened my car door into someone else's car while they were sitting in it, I would be so embarrassed. And you know if I had to go back 5 minutes later and get back into my car I would be super careful not to do it again. But this guy did it again which boggles my mind.
I always look for a lesson to be learned when things like this happen. In this case I think the lesson is that you really can't park near other people because there is a chance they might be like this guy and open their door into your car. I even parked with open spaces on each side and it still happened so I think I may have to start parking even further away to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.
I do wonder what would have happened if I confronted him. I think I could have gone up to him and said, “Hey you just hit my car twice. Please be more careful when you open your door.” I wonder what his reaction would have been. I would guess he would probably say sorry, but you never know how people are going to react and sometimes it is best not to take the chance of getting yourself into a bad situation.
I know part of owning a car and having to park it in a parking lot is the fact that it might get dinged up by other cars. I accept that so I'm not too bothered by it, but the fact that this guy hit my car twice, while I was sitting in it, is just unbelievable. After it happened and I was milling it over in my mind, I told myself if anything I'm going to get a blog post out of this!
Monday, September 21, 2020
The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B Story
As we were practicing our song in class one day, the teacher mentioned that we would need someone to play the part of the Bugle Boy at the concert. The person playing the part would have a bugle and would basically walk around and dance to the music and pretty much be the star of the song.
The teacher asked if anyone wanted to be the Bugle Boy, but no one volunteered. I guess we were at that age where no one really wanted that extra attention for fear of standing out or being judged. I know I didn't want to do it. I figured the part would probably go to one of the cool or popular boys in the class.
Then something interesting happened. One of the boys who I would consider kind of an average kid, not one of the cool or popular kids, spoke up and volunteered to be the Bugle Boy. Everyone was a little surprised as it was kind of unexpected. I remember at the time thinking that for some reason he was not right for the part, but you know what, he was the only one brave enough to volunteer so he got the part!
So when the concert day arrived, our class sang our song for the audience while this kid walked around and danced with the bugle at center stage. He did a great job and I'm sure it was a great boost of confidence for him. It's funny how little situations like this that happened many years ago can stick in your memory.
Looking back it's one of those motivational or teachable moments. When there is a situation or a goal that you think might be out of your reach, sometimes it just takes a little bravery to go for it and you never know, you just might get it!
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Why are so many green utility boxes broken or not have the cover on properly?

Friday, July 24, 2020
The Stock Market is a Scam
Friday, July 3, 2020
Reporting Potholes - There needs to be an easier way
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Soylent vs Ensure Nutrition Drink Comparison Review

I have had Soylent nutrition drinks on my radar for some time now and had been wanting to try them for a while but held off on it because of the high cost which seemed to be even more expensive than Ensure Plus. But recently I found a 4 pack of Soylent in the Cacao flavor on sale so I decided it was time to try it out to see how it compares.
When it comes to taste, the folks at Ensure know what they are doing. The Ensure Plus drinks are rich and delicious. They have a thick consistency and are easy to drink. I found the Soylent taste to be just okay. It has more of a watery consistency and tastes similar to store brand nutrition drinks.
The Soylent 4 pack has 11oz drinks while the Ensure 6 pack has 8oz drinks so I did some calculations to see how they compare per ounce on some of the main categories.
Soylent has 320 calories in 11oz which comes to 29.1 calories per ounce. Ensure Plus has 350 in 8 oz which comes to 43.75 calories per ounce. So Ensure has more calories per ounce.
For fat, Soylent has 17g (1.55g/oz). Ensure Plus has 11g (1.38g/oz) so Soylent has a little more fat per ounce.
For sugar, Soylent has 7g (.64g per oz) vs 22g (2.75g/oz) in the Ensure Plus. So Ensure has a lot more sugar. Soylent uses some artificial sweeteners such as sucralose while Ensure uses sugar which explains the difference in these stats.
For protein, Soylent has 16g (1.45/oz) while Ensure Plus has 13g (1.63g/oz) so Ensure has a little more protein per ounce.
Vitamins / Minerals:
Both drinks have good coverage for the vitamins and minerals. Soylent has 15% daily value for all of them while Ensure is at 25% for most of them with some being a little higher and some a little lower.
The Soylent 4 pack with 11oz drinks is about $9 while the Ensure Plus 6 pack with 8oz drinks is about $10. This makes it seem like the Soylent is more expensive but when you consider the cost per ounce they are actually pretty close in price with Soylent being about $.20 per ounce while Ensure is about $.21 per ounce.
Both drinks contain a lot of similar ingredients. Once difference I noticed was Ensure Plus includes milk protein while Soylent does not so those following a vegan diet would have reason to choose the Soylent in this case. Ensure does offer a plant based nutrition drink as well but I have not tried that one yet.
For me, when looking for the best tasting high calorie nutrition drink, the Ensure Plus is still my number 1 pick. It has a better taste and more calories per ounce. But, for those looking for a nutrition drink with less sugar and similar nutrition compared to Ensure, then Soylent would be a good option.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Pet Peeve – People who touch glass doors and windows with their hands
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Pet Peeve – Squeaky doors and doors that slam too hard
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Travelambo RFID Front Pocket Minimalist Slim Wallet Review
Monday, May 25, 2020
Why is paper mail still a thing? Do we still need the post office to deliver mail?

Friday, May 15, 2020
Subwoofers Should Be Banned – Loud Music Imposing On Other People
Monday, April 27, 2020
Commenting on small Youtube channels vs large channels – Why it is important to support smaller channels.

Friday, April 24, 2020
Why are crepes not as popular as pancakes and waffles?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Checking In. Some thoughts on the current state of the world.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Is it ever ok to say mean or sarcastic comments to someone?

Sunday, January 5, 2020
Eveready LED Pocket Flashlight Review

I liked the fact that it was affordable and is made out of metal instead of a cheap plastic. Also I wanted something pretty small so I figured it would be a good size. Online the color is black, but in store I only saw grey or green so I decided to go with the grey.
Upon handling it in person it is actually smaller than I expected. In fact I would say it is actually too small to get a good grip on it. But I guess the trade off is that it is small enough to easily put in a pocket or small compartment.
The outside build quality feel pretty good, not overly heavy, but sturdy as one would expect from metal. The lens does feel like plastic when tapping it. It also has a wrist strap which I would highly recommend using because it can be easy to drop due to the the small size,
There were no instructions to install the batteries, but it was pretty easy to figure it out. You just unscrew the bottom and a cartridge from the inside comes out which has holders for the batteries. I found the inside plastic parts to feel a little cheap and the springs for the batteries do not look that sturdy.
It comes with 3 carbon zinc AAA batteries which are not as good as other batteries like alkaline or lithium. I'm not sure how long they will last, but I would expect they may not last that long considering they are just the cheap kind of batteries.
After putting it back together it was ready to try out. The on/off button is on the bottom which I found is not very convenient to use. A side button that can be operated by thumb would be a better option especially to operate with one hand.
The light itself is very bright and easily lights up a room. This flashlight is rated at 80 lumens and claims to have a battery life of about 5 hours. Interestingly, in store, there were some other Eveready flashlights of the same kind and price, but the lumens where about 1/2 and the battery life was double. I guess they can adjust the brightness down if they want to extend the battery life. Given the choice I decided to go with the brighter one just in case.
Overall if you are looking for a very small yet bright flashlight with a metal build for a low price, the Eveready LED Pocket Flashlight is a good option. If you have larger hands or would like a flashlight with a thumb on/off button I would recommend another option.