Thursday, September 10, 2020

Why are so many green utility boxes broken or not have the cover on properly?

Have you ever seen those light green metal boxes seemly placed in random spots around neighborhoods and communities? You probably have seen them but might not have given them much thought. Recently I have been noticing that so many of these boxes do not have the covers on properly or they are just in bad condition overall.

These boxes contain wires inside. I'm not exactly sure what they are for other than they are for utilities like phone lines and such. It could be different depending on the box. Some of these boxes are small, some are larger, some are round, some are rectangular. In the case with these boxes, either they are not designed well enough to put the covers on easily or the people working on them just don't bother to put the covers back on the right way when they are done working on them.

I have started fixing these covers when I see them like this. Usually the cover is either just leaning against the box or it is on the ground next to it. They usually have little notches that hook onto a piece on the main box. Sometimes they twist on if they are the round kind. I have found they are pretty easy to put the cover back on if you give it a chance. Sometimes though the cover is hard to get on either because the wires are in the way or because it is just in bad condition.

A lot of times these boxes are at a diagonal like they have been knocked over. My guess is that this happens from lawnmowers that go by and knock into them sending them out of alignment.

If you start looking for these green utility boxes, you will notice how so many of them do not have the covers on properly or are knocked over. I find this strange considering there are probably important wires inside that should be protected from the elements.

The wires inside must be pretty durable considering how so many of these boxes are in bad shape and apparently they are still working because no one seems to bother to fix them or put the covers on the right way.

I think they need to come up with a better design for these utility boxes to make the covers easier to put on. They also should try to make them stronger so they do not get knocked over so easily.

Has anyone else noticed these utility boxes like this? If anyone out there works with these boxes or has any insight on them, please feel free to share your experience in the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you posted this a few years ago but I’ve been noticing more and more broken, coverless utility boxes. No one seems to check or maintain them. I’m not sure but a lot seem to be telephone related so maybe they are just a thing if the past and will eventually be phased out?
